Auction info
Answer to auction questions, and tips on bringing fish to auction
Membership $ 20.00 a year.
The auction is a club fund raiser so the sales split is as follows: Members sellers receive 70%, club 30%.
Non-member sellers receive 50%, club 50% New non member option of a $5.00 registration fee per two forms( 5 items per form)for a 70-30 split on all items on those forms.
Don't want to wait for an item to come up for bid? Pay $2.00 for an item to be moved up to the front of the table. Fill out a move up form and pay cashier. Or pay $4.00 for a group of items(all on one form) to be moved up. Buyer or seller can choose this option.
Dry goods back on regular auction (no more silent auction) all other rules apply.
These new features will hopefully benifit those wanting to get in and out of the auction in less time.
Memberships, new or renewal, will be accepted at the beginning of the auction.
Donations of money or goods to be sold at auction are always welcome.
Anyone, including members, visitors or the auctioneer, can bid on fish or other items.
Minimum bids will be permitted. Fish not sold on minimum bid will be returned to the seller at no cost. Please indicate MINIMUM BID on the auction form and on the bag in permanent ink.
Auction Forms are availible on this site or at the auction.
Five bags per form. Bags need to be boxed or grouped with forms.
Please, NO MORE THAN 3 bags of the same fish or two of the same hardgoods items.
Place five auction items with one auction form per person per section of tables (sections one, and two).
It is important that sections one and two have ONLY one set of four items per person so that everyone has an opportunity to have their items in "prime time."
Section three may have more than one set of four auction items.
Look for signs in the holding area to help you understand which tables are in each section. Also, look for other helpful signs.
Items sold are grouped by bidder number and held in the holding area until the end of the auction.
We will be using a computer-based spreadsheet to track seller’s, bidder’s and items sold. This will hopefully speed up the process of checking out.
Payment for sold fish and other items need to be in the form of cash, credit or check card(3% fee for card use).
Professional type bags will be available for sale.
Once auction begins there will be no access to the holding area with the exception of auction volunteers. Bidders, please respect this as it is difficult to keep things organized and running smoothly if people are running in and out and moving items around.
Do not put too many fish in each bag (you can rubber band multiple bags together if you want them sold as one item).
Do not feed the fish you will be bringing to auction (skip feeding the day before and day of the auction).
If you do a fifty percent water change (the day before the auction) on the tank the fish are coming out of you will reduce the amount of waste in the auction bag (assuming you put water from the tank into the bag).
Six fish will often bring the same bid as twelve.
Very aggressive fish should be bagged separately (they have been known to kill each other before the auction ends).
If you are in doubt, bring your fish in a bucket and get help bagging the fish at the auction.
Do not fill the bag more than 30% with water. (need room for air.)
Large fish or fish with sharp spines should be double or triple bagged to avoid punctures.
Take into consideration the size of the fish and provide a container large enough for it to easily turn around.